abc juice apple beet carrot two servings on a table with ingredients nearby
Chef Ari Sexner
Recipe by Chef Ari Sexner

A Better ABC Juice Recipe (Apple, Beet, Carrot)

You’ve never had an ABC Juice like this before.


Apple, beet, carrot juice, aside from being delicious, is known for being nutrient-dense, low-glycemic, and supporting liver detox.

However, there are so many amazing varieties of beets and apples, that our chef Ari decided to mix things up with this ABC juice.

Golden beetroot, Granny Smith apple, and carrot come together in this delicious juice blend that has a slightly different flavor than it’s ruby red counterpart.


Why We Love This ABC Juice Recipe

Although apple beetroot carrot juice is very popular, beets themselves can be a divisive ingredient. Some may find their flavor overwhelming or too earthy. 

Chef Ari Sexner opted to use golden beets in this recipe to highlight a brighter, refreshing flavor combo that appeals to all. Here’s what he had to say about his creation:

“All too often beet blends are deep, deep red. There are many varieties of beets out there to choose from, each with varying flavors. With this blend we wanted to showcase the golden beet, which has a slightly different sweetness to it than the red beets.

Next, we wanted a few acidic components to balance out the sweetness, so we chose green apple and lemon.  Finally, to make this juice really vibrant and add depth of flavor, we incorporated carrots into the blend.”

Whether you’re a beetroot lover, or looking for detox support, you won’t want to miss the health benefits of this juice blend.


Health Benefits of ABC Juice  

  • Supports body detox. Beetroot has been used for centuries to detoxify the liver by its ability to activate critical enzymes. 
  • Improves athletic performance. Drinking beet juice raises nitric oxide levels in your body and research shows that nitric oxide increases blood flow, improves lung function, and strengthens muscle contraction.
  • Natural antioxidant. Carrots, apples, lemons, and beets all contain antioxidants that have been shown to combat free radicals in the body.                             
  • Nutrient-dense. The ingredients in this ABC juice are naturally gluten-free, and are full of nutrients like manganese, folate, calcium, beta-carotene and potassium.  
  • Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Carrots, lemon juice, and beets in particular have been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. 
  • Immune-system boosting. Vitamin C and vitamin A found in lemon juice, carrots, and beets all support your immune function. You’ll be ready to take on cold and flu season.
  • Great for weight-loss. Full of dietary fiber, drinking this blend on an empty stomach can help you feel fuller longer and get vitamins into your system faster.    

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If this is juice, how is it full of dietary fiber? Isn't practically all the beneficial fiber removed during the juicing process?

Nov 18, 2022
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Salma, Good news! There are two main types of fiber, insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber is mostly removed from juice, but soluble fiber (that helps support gut and digestive health, regulate blood sugar control, lowers cholesterol and more) is still present in juice!

Nov 18, 2022
Madelaine kanjanakunya

It’s amazing to read all the benefits we get from this recipe of juicing

Jul 7, 2022
Edith Kwangala

Very helpful and healthy

Jun 8, 2022
Alexis A.

I just made this juice, and it was delicious!

May 1, 2022
Ravindra Ghatpande

I have taken this recipe 3/4times. It's juice is nice n healthy.

Dec 18, 2021
Nana Aba Tweekua Awumee Quist

I love the juices l add ginger and honey

Nov 12, 2021
Neil Dixon

looks fantastic in the juice fridge and tastes amazing

Oct 11, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Glad you're enjoying it Neil!

Oct 11, 2021

I Love it, ialways make firey beet

Sep 24, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

ooh that sounds good!

Sep 24, 2021

I love ABC juice! I always make mine ABC+G by adding a bit of ginger.

Sep 22, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Great idea! Thanks for sharing Lisa 😄

Sep 22, 2021